Well believe it or not I watched the mother of all disaster movies "2012" (Even though exams are still on but hey,I need to release the tension.)
So what is this movie about? Well in a nut shell it's pretty much what would happen if doomsday struck us in the year 2012 as predicted by the Mayans(though they actually just predicted a 'new cycle' and not really the end of the earth) and some guy named Nostrodamus(sorry if i got the name spelled wrong).The movie also focuses on a writer/limousine driver/ex-hubby/wtfextremelyluckyactionman named Jack and his family and friends trying to survive the apocalypse.
Now I won't write much about the movie due to the fact I don't wanna spoil the movie for anyone. However the logic in the movie is so mind numbing I gotta rant about it.So in order to satisfy my urge without ruining too much of the movie for everyone,I'll just write out the facts I learned from the movie!
1)In the year 2012,the sun gets so hot in burns the core of the earth, everyone and everything above Earth's crust are fine and dandy though.
2)Earthquakes are nice enough to slow down or speed up to ensure it stays right behind your escape vehicle but not go faster than it.
3)Human Life=1000,000 Euro while Animal Life= Free
4)The eruption of a super volcano similar to the detonation of an atomic bomb will blow trees and stuff like that away,but merely blow your hair if you're a few kilometers from the eruption.
5)Lady luck shines on the main character like no tomorrow
6)When there is a large volcanic ash cloud headed your way,hide in a glass covered building!
And there's sooo much more! I'm sure many will say this is just a movie and the logics are excusable but not to me (To each his own I guess).The movie also makes several cliches and such but overall I still find it rather enjoyable,call it a guilty pleasure perhaps. Do I recommend it? Perhaps, it's not TOO bad after all. Now as much as I would like to write more I'm afraid I'll have to stop here due to excessive bugging by my sister (studystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudy) GAH!!!
Well then, till next time!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Family
What? Another post already?! Well why not? =\
Anyways what this post is about?
Well I was looking through one of a few pictures taken during the graduation day and I was surprised by it.
"Holy heck...this pic looks like something out of the Godfather!" <-----Shiok sendiri...
So then I copied the picture and got on the photo editor.What's the result?

Meet The Family...and due to my creative yet somewhat insane and no doubt bored mind,I created a profile for everyone above.Starting from top left to bottom right!
First of is SzerKitt,the made man AKA gentle giant of The Family.He's looks so kind and nice you'll swear he wouldn't hurt a fly! Until of course he's given the order to whack someone...That's when he gets out his trusty sniper rifle. Then he'll look something like this:

So innocent looking you'll blow your brains out.(That's if he doesn't do it for you first.)
Next we have Kerel,the Mastermind,the Capo. He may not be the Don, but he doesn't need to be. Why? Cause he's the friggin Grim Reaper in The Family!

All he needs to do is stare you right in the eyes and you can feel your soul burn(Not to be mistaken with Ghost Rider...). But he ain't all bad, he likes to play card games!NOTE: Be warned as the stakes are your souls!!!!
The 3rd guy in the middle is fellow soldier of The Family,Shane.Great guy,fun to be with. Also makes money for the family by making movies such as Shakugan No Shane and StarShane Troopers!
Right beside Shane are Buttonman brothers Yong and Lyra. They're the double trouble duo of The Family.Other than extortions,they spend their free time running around with AKs,Tommyguns,RawketLawnchairs and such blazing.Of course all of those were Christmas presents. This year they're both wishing for Davy Crocketts

Mid left of the picture (right below Kerel) is Cantabile/Financial Advisor Inquisitor Manetheran. Normally he does the calculations and makes sure the money stays where it's supposed to be. Go ahead and laugh at how frail he looks, he'll pull out the MG(short for Machine-mofo-Gun) and mow you down to swiss cheese.

(This little fella wonders why the laughing stopped...)
Next we have Eufonius Kess.Caporegime. Slightly above the soldiers, he's the type of guy that can shoot you in the face while asleep then wake up to shoot you again. He also enjoys listening to music and eating double cheese double patty burgers.

Right in the middle is Lady Boss Nurul AKA Chibi. She's the one in charge,making sure the men don't burn the whole place down. Kind and caring,she's the one everyone respects.Afterall....

Next we have Jet.....Not much to say about him. One thing: Joker + Pokemon Trainer = Jet.
The guy on the right with his arms folded is yours truly. Not much to say, just an associate who loves the action.And to join in the action,you need guns...lots...and lots...and lots...

of guns...

Cause as I always say...There is no good kill unless it's OVERKILL.
Where was I? Oh yes on with the photo.
Below me we have Aurum/Ian. He's the Consigliere/Advisor of the family (Though self-proclaimed but we don't care last guy who messed up got shot.) He's a living breathing encyclopedia,knows what's going in,out and around. Sadly he still lives with his mom, though she does make wonderful(but unhealthily healthy) meals.
Lastly we have Leon Xenarax Genus (pronounced Gay Nose? I dunno... ). He's the guy who would run at you guns blazing whilst screaming and splattering drool all over the place. In a word, crazy. Hell he even demoted himself once to soldier so that he can run to the front guns blazing (and of course screaming).We kept him promoted to ensure the safety of our own men. On a side note, Leon is looking for the girl of his dreams (apparently she has to have red eyes and black hair) and has a large fear of moles....

No not this cute little guy, but the other black furry thing that sticks on people(would like to place a picture but I'm afraid it'll cause people to run away from the computer screaming in horror).
Anyways that's pretty much all I can write(and imagine) about The Family.Call me imaginatively bored or just plain crazy. Hope y'all enjoyed the post,and I'm sure each one of you out there have a 'family' as well!
Anyways what this post is about?
Well I was looking through one of a few pictures taken during the graduation day and I was surprised by it.
"Holy heck...this pic looks like something out of the Godfather!" <-----Shiok sendiri...
So then I copied the picture and got on the photo editor.What's the result?

Meet The Family...and due to my creative yet somewhat insane and no doubt bored mind,I created a profile for everyone above.Starting from top left to bottom right!
First of is SzerKitt,the made man AKA gentle giant of The Family.He's looks so kind and nice you'll swear he wouldn't hurt a fly! Until of course he's given the order to whack someone...That's when he gets out his trusty sniper rifle. Then he'll look something like this:

So innocent looking you'll blow your brains out.(That's if he doesn't do it for you first.)
Next we have Kerel,the Mastermind,the Capo. He may not be the Don, but he doesn't need to be. Why? Cause he's the friggin Grim Reaper in The Family!

All he needs to do is stare you right in the eyes and you can feel your soul burn(Not to be mistaken with Ghost Rider...). But he ain't all bad, he likes to play card games!NOTE: Be warned as the stakes are your souls!!!!
The 3rd guy in the middle is fellow soldier of The Family,Shane.Great guy,fun to be with. Also makes money for the family by making movies such as Shakugan No Shane and StarShane Troopers!
Right beside Shane are Buttonman brothers Yong and Lyra. They're the double trouble duo of The Family.Other than extortions,they spend their free time running around with AKs,Tommyguns,RawketLawnchairs and such blazing.Of course all of those were Christmas presents. This year they're both wishing for Davy Crocketts

Mid left of the picture (right below Kerel) is Cantabile/Financial Advisor Inquisitor Manetheran. Normally he does the calculations and makes sure the money stays where it's supposed to be. Go ahead and laugh at how frail he looks, he'll pull out the MG(short for Machine-mofo-Gun) and mow you down to swiss cheese.

(This little fella wonders why the laughing stopped...)
Next we have Eufonius Kess.Caporegime. Slightly above the soldiers, he's the type of guy that can shoot you in the face while asleep then wake up to shoot you again. He also enjoys listening to music and eating double cheese double patty burgers.

Right in the middle is Lady Boss Nurul AKA Chibi. She's the one in charge,making sure the men don't burn the whole place down. Kind and caring,she's the one everyone respects.Afterall....

Next we have Jet.....Not much to say about him. One thing: Joker + Pokemon Trainer = Jet.
The guy on the right with his arms folded is yours truly. Not much to say, just an associate who loves the action.And to join in the action,you need guns...lots...and lots...and lots...

of guns...

Cause as I always say...There is no good kill unless it's OVERKILL.
Where was I? Oh yes on with the photo.
Below me we have Aurum/Ian. He's the Consigliere/Advisor of the family (Though self-proclaimed but we don't care last guy who messed up got shot.) He's a living breathing encyclopedia,knows what's going in,out and around. Sadly he still lives with his mom, though she does make wonderful(but unhealthily healthy) meals.
Lastly we have Leon Xenarax Genus (pronounced Gay Nose? I dunno... ). He's the guy who would run at you guns blazing whilst screaming and splattering drool all over the place. In a word, crazy. Hell he even demoted himself once to soldier so that he can run to the front guns blazing (and of course screaming).We kept him promoted to ensure the safety of our own men. On a side note, Leon is looking for the girl of his dreams (apparently she has to have red eyes and black hair) and has a large fear of moles....

No not this cute little guy, but the other black furry thing that sticks on people(would like to place a picture but I'm afraid it'll cause people to run away from the computer screaming in horror).
Anyways that's pretty much all I can write(and imagine) about The Family.Call me imaginatively bored or just plain crazy. Hope y'all enjoyed the post,and I'm sure each one of you out there have a 'family' as well!

Well isn't that cute....
Anyways wassup peeps? Ol Captain CWJ is back and he's blowing the dust off this site. So what's new in the world?
Ah yes, Graduation day and All Hallow's Eve.
Good news, I got to wear a robe similar to batman/dracula/harrypottery ;Took some pictures with mah buddies ; Had awesome fried rice (Being a lover of rice) ; And Graduated!
Bad news? SPM is closer; Sister has become paranoid (she watched too many horror movies) ; And my hair is dropping for some unforeseen reason...(Tho maybe becoming bald isn't so bad...

...but then again...maybe not...)
As for the Grad Day pictures, I'm afraid I didn't take any.However if you rea-he-he-he-eally want to see them,head over to Eelaine's blog or my facebook account and have a look.
What else? Well all yer gamers listen up. L4D 2 is coming 17 November!
17 Nov - L4D2 release
18 Nove - SPM first day
Gawd dammit!!! X_X
Guess I'll have to wait till AFTER the exams before I can play the game... which is...8 Dec?
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