WHAT UP WORLD! PEACE FROM THE FAR EEAAST! Hoooo boy has it been awhile since I've been in this here blogidy blog look at all the dust and skeletons here!
Sorry ain't givin no hugs.
Anyways what is up? Well Uncle Bob will tell you what is up. RAPUNZEL! That is what's up, in a tower!
Ok, lame joke. Fine. But seriously the movie Tangled, it has been some time since I actually enjoyed a good Disney film (Highschool Musical can go suck fishballs.) and by the heavenly gods was this one a breath of fresh air. Likable characters, splendid animation, non-boring plot,and good humor. Best of all no random singing!
Wait...no scratch that, they do start singing randomly. God d@mmit Disney!! Ah well musicals aside the movie is enjoyable for all ages and gender. So do watch it!
Watch it....watch it....watch it...
Alright snap back to reality. What else is new? Ah yes! Video games!
Yes it's the season for top notch games to be sprouting like daisies right now isn't it? Black Ops, Fallout New Vegas, Splatterhouse Remake, and soo much more good stuff!
Can I play em?
Sadly no.
*cue crying vid*
Now where was I? Yes sadly my laptop is reaching it's age of retirement so it can't support any of the upcoming games without going all matrix bullet time on me.
It's not awesome when you realize that's the FPS is dropping. Heck ol lappie here is aging so quickly that it can't even support low tier games like maplestory!
Now If you can't even render 2D mushrooms, you know that there's something going really wrong.
Ah well, I guess I'll have to move on to a newer machine sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. Anyways if anyone reads this, thanks for listening chiiiiiiiiiiiildren! Hopefully I'll start posting here as often as I did last time and kick this place back to gear. Until next time!
In the mean time...
F yeah I wanna cry like that. ;D
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