Rule #1:
If you open this you take it.
Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.
Rule #3:
Tag 17 people.
Answer True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? F
Q: Been arrested? ...F
Q: Do you like someone? F
Q: Held a snake? T
Q: Been suspended from school? F
Q: Sang karaoke? T. I was laughed at for being monotonous. =.=
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? T. I WILL NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL!*slurps on shandy*
Q: Laughed until you started crying? T
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? F
Q: Kissed in the rain? Well Apparently I swallowed rainwater before...erm...T?
Q: Sang in the shower? T
Q: Sat on a roof top? T
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? F
Q: Broken a bone? F
Q: Shaved your head? T. I blame mom. T_T
Q: Played a prank on someone? T
Q: Shot a gun? T. A snub pistol in Thailand.IT WAS AWESOME!! >=D <--- Gun Nut
Q: Donated Blood? F
1. You hung out with? Jeremy, walked out of school with ma buddy.
2. You texted? Eugene.Where's my money?! JK.Invited him to join an online game.
3. You were in a car with? We are Family! All my brothers sister and me! XD
4. Went to the movies with? Woah.That was a long time ago.I think it was with my sis.
5. Person you went to shop with? My mom.Popular bookstore.
6. You talked on the phone? My Dad. "When you gonna pick me up? =[ "
7. Made you laugh? Billy Mays
8. You hugged? My Mom I think few years ago. I need a hug. =[
1. Sun or moon? I choose Earth.
2. Winter or Fall? In Malaysia? O.o
3. Left or Right? Right? Right! Wait.Right right?
4. Sunny or rainy? RAIN! It's too damn hot nowadays! X_X;
5. Where do you live? Look down.See that? It's called Earth. You're on it.And I'm on it.
6. Club or pub? Clubs,cause cavemen use them before they realized alcohol can knock someone out as well.
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? Yes.My Buddehs! You know who you are! =]
8. Do you want to get married? Though question. Who's paying? lol Kidding. XD
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? *SLUUUURP* What? o.o
10. What time is it? 10 hours after noon minus 52 minutes.You do the maths.
11. Are you afraid of commitment? Meh, I find it buggy but what's life without challenges?
12. What is your greatest hope/wish? That Pies will be free.....wait...I mean world peace!!
13. Do you cook? Yes, but most of the time my cooking involves canned food. <_<;
14. Current mood? Longing for some pie.
1. Kissed someone? Apparently no. ;_;
2. Sang? NEGARAKU.... =.=
3. Listened to music? Music! It's my anti-drug!! =D
4. Danced? Well I wanted it to rain,however it didn't work.
5. Cried? Nope.
6. Liked someone you can't? Not that I can think of. =l
1.Who was your first prom date? AHAHAHAHA! No one... T_T
2. Who was your first roommate? parents and my sister?
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? Shandy?
5. What was your first car? It was a real beaut! A bumper car in Genting Highlands! <_<;
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? Hmmm....I think it was 9 years back.
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Ms Yan.Oh how I miss her,but not the rotan. ._.
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Paris! Sadly I was too young to remember. =.=
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? My Sis,she wanted to by some mol point cards for Maple Story.... o.o;
11. Who was your first Best Friend? Sadly I don't know how to spell out his name in English. Chen Jia Sheng or something like that. Ah he will be missed.
12. Who is your best friend? To me there is no best Friend.But there are best FriendS,and I got a list of them
13.Do you like pie? Yes indeed!! =]
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Depends,I'll probably just talk to a random buddy.
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman? Eh...never happened before.Is that a good thing? o.o;
16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Computer....=.=
19. First tattoo or piercing? NEVAR!!!
20. First celebrity crush? Hmm...never thought of one...
22. First crush? Never thought of one either...WAIT A MINUTE! WHERE's question 21?! <_<
I tag....
Anyone who on my list or reading this.