Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let's Rant!

Welcome back everybody.It's early 2009 and I'm already Ranting.About whaaat?

Well come and have a seat boys and girls.Today we shall talk about our dear trolls of the net.Now you'll probably ask.What's a troll? Well they're pretty much one of many trouble makers in the net.
You see kids these guys are sadists.They love to make you love to hate them.How so you ask?Well if you own say a forum or a c-box,expect to see one of these bastards every so often.These guys are also known as flamers.

Anyways these internet trolls just barge into your c-box or message room,and like some sort of freak who shits from his mouth will just start spewing whatever crap he has at everyone.Now this will pretty much cause everyone to pick up their pitchforks and torches and start smacking everything they have at the troll to get them out. But the worse thing is...THESE TROLLS LIKE IT! I don't know why.Maybe masochism? Maybe they're sadists?Maybe they're retarded or maybe they just wanna seek some attention.

Either ways here's what I have to say for them trolls out there.


If you are a masochist,then go out,find a knife or something and stab yourself.Preferably in the cranial area or the heart,that way you can enjoy all the disgustingly weird pleasures of pain you want without bothering anyone.

If you are a retard,then just go jump into a lake or something!

If you're a sadist,just go out and stab someone.I don't care if the authorities get you or something cause whatever you do God is gonna smack you in the face and boot you to hell.

If you want attention,why don't you try doing something NICE?! Try going out and helping someone for a change.

Just don't troll cause you're just wasting your own time,not to mention electrical and internet bills!

Now for those who are encountering trolls...this may be hard but.Just friggin ignore them.They'll spout shit and everything in the beginning but sooner or later that poop machine of theirs is gonna run out of ammo and they'll just scurry off.If that don't work, you can always interact with them,to be honest I find the stuff trolls say rather amusing.

"Kids say the darnest things;Trolls say the dumbest things"

Anyways here's an anime example of how to(or maybe not?) handle trolls:

And remember kids,internet flaming is not good nor is it nice,always stay calm and peaceful.On the other hand,

Real flamers(flame throwers) are awesome!

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