Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Playing games with CWJ #1 (MS3 Stage 1)

Well Hello There! From today on i'll be starting a new mini-series here in my blog called Playing Games with CWJ.Basicly it's just me being bored and playing through a bunch of games while recording it.Nothing special, though sooner or later i'll add some buddies to play with me and you can watch co-op with much hilarity and insanity.Anyways on to our first video!

Yes that is me playing.And NO I WILL NOT BE DOING ANY PERFECT SPEEDRUNS.I am NOT a pro gamer and I do die alot at some stages. =\

With that said,enjoy the vid!Oh and excuse the laginess of the video,my PC is 7 years old! ><;

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