Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Heeeeeeeee's Baaaack...

And today he shows us how to deal against street bullies and the law.Illogically of course...



Hope you guys enjoy the scenes as much as I did. =)

Meanwhile....thousands of miles away,

A random scene by the Governator!!SHIOK!! D8

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm feeling random...

Anyways things have been really down for you for the past few days,here's a familiar scene from a even familiar movie by one of my favorite movie stars,Jim Carrey!

Now what this vid has thought me was the fact that even at the darkest of times,there IS a way to turn the tide back into your favor.(Though dancing while being surrounded by gun wielding cops isn't really gonna help in reality. XD )
Hope you guys enjoy the vid/song as much as I did.And hopefully it helped brighten your day a bit.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Consisting of only Bobs,the BOB SQUAD defends the peace and upholds justice! One Bob at a Time!
(Made from extreme boredom)

Also celebrating the 1k hit on my blog! XD

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The (Mis?) Adventures of CWJ & Kitt (Metal Slug 3 Stage 2:Zombehs)

This is more of me and Kitt being bored and playing Metal Slug 3 through the net.Bad voice commentating,terrible lags,hilarity and insanity ensues.
Note:Apparently due to me not noticing my mike was being pushed away it's very hard to hear my voice.For that fact I strongly apologize and hope y'all can still enjoy the vid.=\

The (Mis?)Adventures of CWJ & Kitt in Metal Slug 3 (Stage 1)

This is me and Kitt being bored and playing Metal Slug 3 through the net.Bad voice commentating,terrible lags,hilarity and insanity ensues.
Note:This is first time doing a recording so my 7 year old computer lagged and nearly crashed due to running too many programs at once.Hopefully this problem will be fixed
PS: My voice sounds weird on the mic... =s

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Playing games with CWJ #1 (MS3 Stage 1)

Well Hello There! From today on i'll be starting a new mini-series here in my blog called Playing Games with CWJ.Basicly it's just me being bored and playing through a bunch of games while recording it.Nothing special, though sooner or later i'll add some buddies to play with me and you can watch co-op with much hilarity and insanity.Anyways on to our first video!

Yes that is me playing.And NO I WILL NOT BE DOING ANY PERFECT SPEEDRUNS.I am NOT a pro gamer and I do die alot at some stages. =\

With that said,enjoy the vid!Oh and excuse the laginess of the video,my PC is 7 years old! ><;

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tag from Joey

Alrighty then!It's been quite some time since i did a Tag,so here goes!

Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.

1.I like pie.Apple pie with vanila ice cream on top. Mmmmm....pie...
2.Is my favorite number
3.My average time of sleep is 5 hours.
4.I wake up 5 am in the morning to surf the net.
5.I always wondered how it would be like to slap a fish at a donkey's face.And that didn't make sense at all.
7.I love cryptozoology which means I like weird animals like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster.
8.I have a habit of cleaning my ear twice or more in a day.
9.Helping people is my hobby.
10.For some odd reason I really dislike anything which involves alcohol.So i probably won't be able to drink in the future.
11.I tried smoking before.Paper + Fire + Inhalation = A silly move + trauma of smoking...
12.I can stare at the ceiling for an hour without doing anything.
13.Apparently I laugh at my own joke more than anyone else...and that's lame =\
14.Honor and Justice is above everything else for me.
15.I'd rather do this tag than to study for incoming exams!

And now I tag...
Well,anyone who's seen this tag and feel like doing it.I'm not gonna force anyone here. XD