Okay, so I was in FACEBOOK(Edited,thx Kitt!) and I came across this little quiz...
Amused and curious I took the quiz, and apparently I got: The Joker.
Now before I continue allow me to tell you how much of a BIG fan I am for the Animated Series of Batman, I grew up watching that cartoon show and boy do I love it! This of course made me a fan of Batman.
As much as I like Batman in the cartoons, the batman movies are...another thing.In a nut case:
Animated Batman = WIN!
Movie Batman = erm...
Now you're probably wondering why am I so harsh on the movie batmans.Well this is probably because out of several movie batmans (played by Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, George Clooney and of course Christian Bale), only one batman managed to impress me, which is Michael Keaton's batman, who looks intimidating no matter what he does!
I mean look! He's just staring at you and already you feel your soul being torn out.
As for the other batmen, Val Kimer's Batman was average at most.But for the other two....
George Clooney:
Pft...seriously after looking at that I couldn't take the movie seriously..not to mention...
Trust me, his puns are colder than his character is supposed to be. (Plus I'm an arnold fan! =[ )
Now with that said, time for that other batman...
Christian Bale...
Okay...first of all, batman..should sound intimidating.I give credit to Bale for keeping that in mind when he took Batman's role BUT! I think he went a little too far with that fact. I mean, WHY DOES BATMAN SOUND LIKE A BEAR?! I know I pointed this fact last time, but still it bugs me! Really! He sounds like scooby doo had steroids in his scooby snacks!
No offense, I like Bane's portrayal as Bruce Wayne but when he turns into Batman...I just lost interest in the movie...
Is it just me? or does this version of the batman look like a Tengu?
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT! I think I got a little off topic here!
Okay Ladies and Gentlemen,I'm not here to talk about the caped crusader, I'm here to talk about... THE JOKER.
Now the Batman being my favorite comic book/cartoon hero, it's obvious that Batman's arch nemesis, the Joker is my favorite villain. Why the joker? Lots of reasons!
1)Badass laugh,
2)Outrageously smart for a clown
3)A twisted sense of humor
Did I mention he had a badass laugh?
My god that's an evil laugh!
Anyways who's the man behind the laugh? I decided to go through the net in search for that man. And guess who?
Mark Hamill AKA Luke Skywalker!
Are you kidding me?! The guy who acted as Luke Skywalker, actually did the voice for the Joker?!
I mean, look at this!
Now look at this!
Anyways it's true people,and boy Mark Hamill nailed it when it comes to The Joker, he could be evil,twisted and yet fun and amusing as the clown prince of crime.
Well, look at the time!(DINNAR TIEM!!!) I guess I'll just end the post here due to my laziness and hunger. Hope it was enjoyable to read. Also before I leave...
Remember, play nice people , or else...
Cpt CWJ Signing out! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA!!!!!!!! *shot*
Note: No offense intended to any of the characters and/or actors mentioned.These are just my opinions, nothing personal. TATA!
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